Nisarg Upadhyay
Screenshot of email

T-SQL scripts to update statistics based on the row modification

December 24, 2020 by

In this article, we are going to learn how we can develop a T-SQL script to update statistics of tables based on the row modification. It is always a challenging task to perform maintenance on a table that has billions of rows. During the early years of my professional career, I was assigned a project and one of our clients had performance issues. The initial analysis showed that due to frequent data modifications, a specific table’s statistics become outdated.

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Prashanth Jayaram
Find the version table to analyze the workflow

Different ways to login to Azure automation using PowerShell

December 22, 2020 by

PowerShell becomes a de facto toolset in the arsenal of Azure automation. PowerShell provides a platform and a friendly way of automating many repeated tasks, which in turn minimize the time-and-cost. PowerShell always comes to the rescue when there is a need for automation, and it is no different for Azure. If you are already familiar with PowerShell cmdlets, then it will be easy to be acquainted with Azure PowerShell modules. For Azure automation, Microsoft provided a set of Azure PowerShell Modules that can be leverage to manage the Azure Cloud platform.

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Aveek Das
Starting the SQL Server Agent Service

Introduction to the SQL Server Agent

December 15, 2020 by

In this article, I am going to explain in detail about the SQL Server Agent service. This is a windows service that enables database developers and database administrators to schedule jobs on the SQL Server machine. The jobs can be simple T-SQL scripts, stored procedures, SSIS packages or SSAS databases. This service is available on all the editions of SQL Server except the Express edition.

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Esat Erkec
Trivial query plans and contradiction detection

Explore the secrets of SQL Server execution plans

December 10, 2020 by

The SQL Server execution plan (query plan) is a set of instructions that describes which process steps are performed while a query is executed by the database engine. The query plans are generated by the query optimizer and its essential goal is to generate the most efficient (optimum) and economical query plan. Some query plans that are created by the query optimizer contain some interesting characteristics. In this article, we will go into details of these interesting query plans.

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Aveek Das
Capturing updates and Operation - change tracking in sql server

Understanding Change Tracking in SQL Server using Triggers

December 9, 2020 by

In this article, I am going to explain what change tracking is in SQL Server and why do we need it. I will also illustrate the same using some practical examples using triggers in SQL Server. Change tracking as the name suggests, is a mechanism that helps us to identify the changes in the database as the application grows. In other words, it enables us to have a history of the changes that have been made to one or more tables in the database. The changes can be considered as either INSERTs, UPDATEs, or DELETEs.

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