How to add a TDE encrypted user database to an Always On Availability Group

April 27, 2017 by

SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption, also known as TDE, is a “data at rest” encryption mechanism that is introduced in SQL Server 2008 as an Enterprise Edition feature. TDE is used to perform a real-time I/O encryption for the SQL Server database data, log, backup and snapshot physical files, rather than encrypting the data itself, […]

Machine generated alternative text: using (var conn — using (var cmd conn . Open(); cmd . cmd cmd cmd cmd . new Sq1Connection(connString)) new Sq1Command()) level, exception conn ; Command Type . Text ; string. Format ( sq1Temp1ate , Connection - . Command Type - . CommandText - . Command Timeout — conn . Connection Timeout; ExecuteNonQuery() ;

SQL Server Code Review Checklist for Developers

April 26, 2017 by

In a software development life cycle, Code Review plays an integral role in improving the product quality. Having a Code Review Checklist is indispensable since it ensures that the best practices are followed and reviews are performed consistently. It is essential for developers to be aware of the coding guidelines while working on their code […]

SQL Server vNext – Does Microsoft love Linux?

April 21, 2017 by

Introduction In the 90s and at the beginning of the 21 century, Linux and Windows were decidedly working at cross purposes However, starting on 2009, Microsoft started to contribute with code in the Linux Kernel. On 2013, Azure supported Virtual Machines in Ubuntu and later came the support to .NET in Linux, Visual Studio for […]

Discovering SQL server instance information using system views

February 28, 2017 by

Introduction Out of the box, SQL Server comes with a substantial and – release by release – ever-growing set of system tables, views, stored procedures and functions. There’s a good chance you’ve never directly used more than a handful of them. That’s certainly the case with me! This is the first article in a series […]

How to analyze Storage Subsystem Performance in SQL Server

February 23, 2017 by

Introduction To improve performance, it is common for DBAs to search in each aspect except analyzing storage subsystem performance even though in many times, issues are, in fact, caused by poor storage subsystem performance. Therefore, I want to give you some tools and recommendation that you can use it to prevent your storage subsystem from […]

Integration Services Performance Best Practices – Writing to the Destination

January 26, 2017 by

With this article, we continue part 1 of common best practices to optimize the performance of Integration Services packages. As mentioned in the previous article “Integration Services (SSIS) Performance Best Practices – Data Flow Optimization“, it’s not an exhaustive list of all possible performance improvements for SSIS packages. It merely represents a set of best […]

Integration Services Performance Best Practices – Data Flow Optimization

January 26, 2017 by

In this article, we’ll present a couple of common best practices regarding the performance of Integration Services (SSIS) packages. These are general guidelines for package design and development which guarantee a good performance in most use cases. However, there are always exceptional cases and outliers. The mantra of “measure twice, cut once” also applies here. […]

Best Practices for Configuring Newly Installed SQL Server Instances

January 20, 2017 by

Often we install SQL Server on clients or we get to clients where they have pre-installed SQL Server Instances. As a DBA we have the Primary responsibility of keeping the Database Up and Running. This responsibility leads to optimizing, performance tuning and many other stuff related to database’s internal objects. While keeping the other aspects […]

Using sp_server_diagnostics

January 19, 2017 by

Troubleshooting SQL Server is all about gathering the right evidence. Ordinarily we utilise a variety of different methods and analyse their output to look for specific areas where we would focus our diagnostic efforts. We could for example, use the results of various DMVs to look at wait statistic and resource information to help us […]

SQL Server Job Performance – Tracking

January 19, 2017 by

Description Keeping track of our SQL Server Agent jobs is a very effective way to control scheduling, failures, and understand when undesired conditions may be manifesting themselves. This is a brief journey towards a solution that provides us far greater insight into our jobs, schedules, and executions than we can glean from SQL Server by […]

SQL Server Estimated Vs Actual Execution Plans

December 29, 2016 by

A SQL Server execution plan is the most efficient and least cost road map that is generated by the Query Optimizer’s algorithms calculations to execute the submitted T-SQL query. Execution plans are used by the database administrators to troubleshoot the performance of poorly performing queries to isolate the part of the query that is at […]

Why is my CTE so slow?

December 22, 2016 by

Introduction Have you ever written up a complex query using Common Table Expressions (CTEs) only to be disappointed by the performance? Have you been blaming the CTE? This article looks at that problem to show that it is a little deeper than a particular syntax choice and offers some tips on how to improve performance.