A DBA guide to SQL Server performance troubleshooting – Part 1 – Problems and performance metrics

March 13, 2014 by

Monitoring SQL Server performance is a complex task, as performance depends on many parameters, both hardware and software. It’s recommended to monitor these parameters proactively in order to prevent any potential performance degradation. However, this is not always the case. If the performance degradation happens, the first step towards the resolution is to determine the […]

Restore database

Use of the RESTORE FILELISTONLY command in SQL Server

December 21, 2022 by

This article explores the RESTORE FILELISTONLY command in SQL Server with examples. Introduction Performing a database backup is an integral part of a DBA’s job. Backups are taken to ensure that data can be recovered in an emergency. There are different restore mechanisms, and the SQL Server DBA needs to understand them to make the […]

Set up Azure Function App

Azure Functions for Azure SQL Database

March 10, 2022 by

As a Platform as a Service (PaaS) service, Azure SQL Database enables developers to deploy SQL Database in Azure Cloud without managing the infrastructure. We use SQL Server Agent to schedule jobs to run at a specific schedule in an on-prem SQL instance. However, Azure DB does not have agent functionality.

Open file in visual studio code

Deploying Azure Container Instances using YAML

January 21, 2022 by

The Azure Container Instances provides a flexible solution for implementing container-based images in Azure infrastructure quickly. It does not require building the virtual machine, installing applications like Microsoft SQL Server, or configuring the software. You can choose the container images from the libraries and build solutions. You can use non-persisted(default) and persisted storage to avoid […]

Azure SQL Database created

Azure SQL – a FAQ article

January 12, 2022 by

Introduction In this article, we will talk about Azure SQL. The article will compile the FAQ about this topic. The article will cover FAQ related to concepts for newbies, prices, some common features, migration and several links for references to get higher details on specific topics.

Working with JIT Compiler

Getting started with SQL Server CLR functions

January 11, 2022 by

This article will explain how to create a SQL Server CLR function stored in a C# class library without creating a SQL Server database project. We will first briefly explain the concept of .NET common language runtime (CLR) and then build a C# class library using the .NET framework. Then, we will use the C# […]

three tier template

Use ARM templates to deploy Azure container instances with SQL Server Linux images

December 21, 2021 by

The Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file for deploying Azure resources automatically. You can use a declarative syntax to specify the resources, their configurations. Usually, if you need to deploy Azure resources, it might be a tiring experience of navigating through different services, their configurations. With the ARM templates, […]

Verify default data paths

Store SQL Server files in Persistent Storage for Azure Container Instances

December 10, 2021 by

In the articles, Deploying Azure Container Instances for SQL Server 2019 and Create Azure Container Instances for SQL Server 2019 using Azure CLI, we explored Azure Container Instances for SQL Server on Linux. These containers are stateless. Therefore, if you stop or restart container instances, you lost your data. Suppose, being a developer, you created […]