
Marko Zivkovic
Find and start PuTTYgen

Using SSH keys to connect to a remote MySQL Server

November 28, 2019 by

In this article, it will be described how to connect to remote MySQL Server on Linux OS using SSH key pairs. Windows OS will be used as a host from which will be established a connection using PuTTY as a client. Besides using PuTTY as a client for establishing the connection to remote machines, it will be used to generate and use secure shell – SSH keys as well.

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Rajendra Gupta
AWS basic terms

Multi-AZ Configuration for AWS RDS SQL Server

October 10, 2019 by

Amazon provides AWS RDS SQL Server as a managed relational database service. You can deploy databases instantly without worrying about underlying hardware platform, license cost, managing data centers. AWS RDS database instances are highly available. It provides a failover mechanism using the Mult-AZ deployments.

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