Azure Cosmos DB

Manvendra Singh
Backup storage redundancy updated for cosmos db account

Configure backup storage redundancy for Azure Cosmos DB account

May 15, 2024 by

This article will explain backup storage redundancy for Azure Cosmos DB. Backups are a critical feature to keep copies of our data to ensure data protection and recoverability in case of any accidental deletion, updating, or any kind of disaster. But this is not enough to run backups only to save its copies. We must also protect those backup copies from accidental deletes or corruption and ensure their proper resiliency should be in place to keep backups safe from any unforeseen circumstances. It depends on the criticality of your data whether you want to keep them locally to want to replicate them in other locations or regions to ensure their resiliencies.

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Manvendra Singh
New Cosmos DB account dashboard

How to configure Continuous backup for Azure Cosmos DB account

November 14, 2022 by

This article will explore Continuous backup and steps to configure it for a new Azure Cosmos DB account or an existing Cosmos DB account. Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed and highly secure, NoSQL database service on the Azure cloud that is designed for modern-day application development. It automatically runs backup for its databases on separate Azure blob storage at regular intervals without affecting the performance, availability, and provisioned resource units (RUs) to ensure data protection from a data recovery standpoint which can be needed in case of data corruption, deletion, or wrongly data updates.

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Manvendra Singh
Enable Global data distribution

Enable Global Distribution to replicate data across regions in Azure Cosmos DB

November 2, 2022 by

This article will explain about Global Distribution feature of Azure Cosmos DB and how to enable it to distribute data across regions. Azure Cosmos DB is developed to address modern application requirements in this digital era. There are different requirements to run web-based or online internet-facing applications smoothly. You need to cater enormous amount of data that can generate with very high velocity and this will cause huge numbers of read and write operations on the database. Your database needs to be responsive and quickly show the updated details for other customers. You might also need to address autoscale which will be used to address unpredictable workload during any discount offer, or festive seasons. These modern days applications must also develop in a way so that if you need to add another location to expand your business to the different regions so you don’t need to do many changes and it could be easily adjusted to expand the application for other regions.

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Manvendra Singh
Data Explorer page

Access Azure Cosmos DB using Data Explorer

November 1, 2022 by

This article will explore an overview of Data explorer and how to access and manage Azure Cosmos DB using Data Explorer. Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed, highly secure, and globally distributed NoSQL database that is designed for new-age modern application development. As this is fully managed so you don’t need administrators to manage its maintenance, patching, upgrades, capacity, and space management, auto-scaling in case of workload increase, etc. It is suitable for modern digital applications like online portals based on video streaming, gaming, Internet of things applications, online retail websites, etc.

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Manvendra Singh
Check cosmos DB backup policy

Understanding Azure Cosmos DB backup options

September 9, 2022 by

This article will explore backup options available in the Azure Cosmos DB service. Backups are very important to safeguard our data in case of data corruption, data deletion, system failure, or any unforeseen circumstances like DR. We have planned, configured, and managed it for our on-prem databases whether it is SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, or system files on various machines. DBAs and Infrastructure admins have ensured to keep a backup of all these systems to safeguard their data. Similarly, we must also secure our data hosted in a cloud environment for any services whether it is Azure VMs, Azure SQL, Cosmos Db accounts, or any other services. Today we will talk about backup options available to secure cosmos DB databases and their contents.

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Manvendra Singh
Save and update Periodic backup configuration

How to configure periodic backup for an Azure Cosmos DB account

September 7, 2022 by

This article will talk about the periodic backup policy of the Azure Cosmos DB service offered by Azure cloud. I have already explained the backup options available for Cosmos DB in my last article. I would recommend you read it by accessing the attached link “Understanding Azure Cosmos DB backups” to understand the backup policies of Azure Cosmos DB. Today, I am going to explain one of the backup options Periodic backup, and steps about how to configure it for a cosmos DB account.

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Aveek Das
Exploring the Data

Learn NoSQL in Azure: Getting started with DocumentDB SQL API

July 7, 2021 by

This article is a part of the series Learn NoSQL in Azure where we will learn about the DocumentDB SQL API in detail. Azure Cosmos DB is a serverless NoSQL database service provided by Azure that is highly available, globally distributed, and responds within the minimum latency. Due to these features, it is a perfect fit for building modern-day applications using the DocumentDB or SQL API of Azure Cosmos DB.

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Aveek Das
Request Unit Calculation for NoSQL Azure Cosmos DB

Learn NoSQL in Azure: Diving Deeper into Azure Cosmos DB

June 25, 2021 by

This article is a part of the series – Learn NoSQL in Azure where we explore Azure Cosmos DB as a part of the non-relational database system used widely for a variety of applications. Azure Cosmos DB is a part of Microsoft’s serverless databases on Azure which is highly scalable and distributed across all locations that run on Azure. It is offered as a platform as a service (PAAS) from Azure and you can develop databases that have a very high throughput and very low latency. Using Azure Cosmos DB, customers can replicate their data across multiple locations across the globe and also across multiple locations within the same region. This makes Cosmos DB a highly available database service with almost 99.999% availability for reads and writes for multi-region modes and almost 99.99% availability for single-region modes.

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Aveek Das

Learn NoSQL in Azure: An overview of Azure Cosmos DB

June 16, 2021 by

In this article, we are going to learn Azure Cosmos DB. This article is a part of the series Learn NoSQL in Azure, where we will explore all the different types of non-relational databases that are supported in Azure at the moment. Azure is one of the most popular public cloud platforms that has a big market share all over the world. Cosmos DB is a part of the Databases section in Azure that allows customers to create and use NoSQL or non-relational databases and consume these at scale. You can leverage Cosmos DB to build highly scalable and robust cloud-based applications that support modern big data workloads. Let us understand more about what a NoSQL database is all about and how it is different from a relational database. Although this article focuses on the NoSQL related to Azure, it is to be known that other open-source projects support NoSQL databases like Apache Cassandra, etc. However, these topics are out of the scope of this article and we will focus on Azure mostly.

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Timothy Smith
In Settings under our container in our Azure Cosmos DB, we see the options that we’ll use for our template

Creating Containers with PowerShell For Azure Cosmos DB

May 30, 2019 by

In many situations, we will develop, test or prove new concepts by horizontally scaling new SQL API containers in Azure Cosmos DB over possibly using existing containers. As we’ve seen in previous tips, we can create and remove Cosmos database accounts and databases by using the Azure Portal or PowerShell’s Az module along with making some updates to the configuration, such as the RUs for performance reasons. Similarly, we can create and remove a container through the Azure Portal along with creating and removing the container with PowerShell’s Az module.

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Timothy Smith
We see the same restrictions in the Azure Portal

Increasing or Decreasing Scale for Azure Cosmos DB

May 28, 2019 by

Now that we can create and remove an Azure Cosmos DB and databases that we can use for automation purposes, along with obtaining some information about these accounts, we’ll look at making some changes to these accounts for contexts related to performance. It’s possible that our unit and security testing or development with proof-of-concepts may face performance problems where we need to upgrade the settings of our database account. In this tip, we’ll be working with the SQL API database layer in a Cosmos database account by building on our get, create and remove automation to update its performance.

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