Query analysis

Dmitry Piliugin

Cardinality Estimation Framework Version Control in SQL Server

March 30, 2018 by

This is a small post about how you may control the cardinality estimator version and determine which version was used to build a plan.

The version of the cardinality framework is determined by the query database context, where the database has a specific compatibility level.

When you create a database in SQL Server 2014 it has the latest compatibility level equals 120 by default. If you issue a query in that database context, the new cardinality version will be used. You may verify this by inspecting the plan property “CardinalityEstimationModelVersion” of the root language element (the one with the green icon), SELECT, for example.

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Dmitry Piliugin

Cardinality Estimation Process in SQL Server

March 29, 2018 by

In this post, we are going to take a deeper look at the cardinality estimation process. We will use SQL Server 2014, the main concepts might also be applied to the earlier versions, however, the process details are different.


The algorithms responsible for performing the cardinality estimation in SQL Server 2014 are implemented in the classes called Calculators.

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Dmitry Piliugin

Cardinality Estimation Concepts in SQL Server

March 28, 2018 by

In this blog post we are going to talk about the principles and the main concepts which are used by the optimizer to perform an estimation, and also, we will do a little bit math, so be prepared.

Base Statistics

A cardinality estimation mechanism, as a first step, usually uses base statistics to estimate the expected number of rows that should be returned from the base table. You may look at these statistics using DBCC command – DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS.

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Dmitry Piliugin

Cardinality Estimation Place in the Optimization Process in SQL Server

March 27, 2018 by

In this blog post, I’m going to look at the place of the Cardinality Estimation Process in the whole Optimization Process. We’ll see some internals, that will show us, why the Query Optimizer is so sensitive to the cardinality estimation. To understand that we should observe the main steps that a server performs when the query is sent for execution.

Plan Construction Process

Below you may see the picture of the general plan-building process in SQL Server from the moment when a server receives a query till the storage engine is ready to retrieve the data. Take a quick look first, and next I’ll provide explanations.

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Ayman Elnory

SQL Server Query Execution Plans for beginners – Clustered Index Operators

March 5, 2018 by

We have discussed how to created estimated execution plans and actual execution plans in various formats in my previous article SQL Server Query Execution Plan for beginners – Types and Options.

In this article we will continue discussing the various execution plan operators related to clustered indexes, and what they do, when do they appear and what happens when they do.

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Ahmad Yaseen

SQL Server table hints – WITH (NOLOCK) best practices

February 14, 2018 by

SQL Server table hints are a special type of explicit command that is used to override the default behavior of the SQL Server query optimizer during the T-SQL query execution This is accomplished by enforcing a specific locking method, a specific index or query processing operation, such index seek or table scan, to be used by the SQL Server query optimizer to build the query execution plan. The table hints can be added to the FROM clause of the T-SQL query, affecting the table or the view that is referenced in the FROM clause only.

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Ben Richardson

Understanding SQL Server query plan cache

January 18, 2018 by

Whenever a query is run for the first time in SQL Server, it is compiled and a query plan is generated for the query. Every query requires a query plan before it is actually executed. This query plan is stored in SQL Server query plan cache. This way when that query is run again, SQL Server doesn’t need to create another query plan; rather it uses the cached query plan which improved database performance.

The duration that a query plan stays in the plan cache depends upon how often a query is executed. Query plans that are used more often, stay in the query plan cache for longer durations, and vice-versa.

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Marko Zivkovic

SQL Server Query Store – Overview

December 29, 2017 by

The SQL Server Query Store is a relatively new feature introduced in SQL Server 2016. It is basically a SQL Server “flight recorder” or “black box”, capturing a history of executed queries, query runtime execution statistics, execution plans etc. against a specific database. This information helps in identifying performance problems caused by query plan changes and troubleshooting by quickly finding performance differences, even after SQL Server restart or upgrade. All data that SQL Server Query Store capture are stored on disk.

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Esat Erkec

How to use sargable expressions in T-SQL queries; performance advantages and examples

December 22, 2017 by

The challenge

One of the main tasks of a SQL Server database administrator is performance tuning. Sometimes, though, coders or developers don’t always prioritize database performance or query optimization. Here is a typical scenario

  • Imagine that developers create a new table and then insert some records in a test environment and test their queries to retrieve data from it
  • The query executed successfully and does not exhibit any symptoms of performance problems
  • The developer team release this table and query into production
  • One day you take a telephone from your colleague and he says my report is very slow
  • Bingo! In production, this table contains a lot of records and this is resulting in performance bottlenecks when querying it
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Esat Erkec

How to use parallel insert in SQL Server 2016 to improve query performance

December 8, 2017 by


In the first part of this article, we will discuss about parallelism in the SQL Server Engine. Parallel processing is, simply put, dividing a big task into multiple processors. This model is meant to reduce processing time.

  • SQL Server can execute queries in parallel
  • SQL Server creates a path for every query. This path is execution plan
  • The SQL Server query optimizer creates execution plans
  • SQL Server query optimizer decides the most efficient way for create execution plan

Execution plans are the equivalent to highways and traffic signs of T-SQL queries. They tell us how a query is executed.

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Ayman Elnory

How to design SQL queries with better performance: SELECT * and EXISTS vs IN vs JOINs

December 1, 2017 by

Quite often developers put the responsibility of the server performance on the shoulders of DBAs. But to be honest, as a developer, it is your responsibility to write code which is efficient and optimal. However, when writing code, the developer often lacks the knowledge and/or experience about SQL Server to meet this requirement.

In this series, I will be discussing various aspects of query designing, keeping performance and scalability in mind. We will be addressing the most common concepts which we often see that negatively impact SQL code written by developers.

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Sifiso Ndlovu

Understanding the Impact of NOLOCK and WITH NOLOCK Table Hints in SQL Server

June 6, 2017 by

Every once in a while, SQL Server database administrators find themselves in disagreements with their application developer counterparts – particularly when it comes to some of the latter’s Transact SQL (T-SQL) developmental practices. One of my first observations when I joined my current employer is that almost all T-SQL scripts written by application developers uses the NOLOCK table hint. However, from the interactions that I have had with these esteemed developers it doesn’t seem like they understand how the NOLOCK table hint works. Furthermore, although they seem to be aware of a distinction between NOLOCK and the WITH NOLOCK table hint, they again do not seem to comprehend how the two differ from one another. In this article, I explore the internal workings of the NOLOCK table hint and examine the implications of omitting the WITH keyword.

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Susantha Bathige

Understanding Skewed Data in SQL Server

May 22, 2017 by


I recently did some research to analyze skewed data distribution in SQL Server. This article is the outcome of my analysis to share with SQL Server community.

SQL Server understands its data distribution using statistics. The SQL Server query optimizer then uses the statistics to calculate estimated row counts when executing the queries submitted by users. The accuracy of estimated row count is crucial to get optimal execution plans. The SQL Server query optimizer is a complex mathematical component and it does a decent job to create better execution plans during a very short period of time.

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Neeraj Prasad Sharma

SQL Server TOP clause performance problem with parallelism

April 13, 2017 by

Basics of TOP Operator

The TOP keyword in SQL Server is a non-ANSI standard expression to limit query results to some set of pre-specified rows. As an argument, it takes 0 to positive Bigint (9223372036854775807) and anything beyond or less gives an error message. TOP without an order by clause, in production, seems buggy because it can produce results in any order depending on the current schema and execution plan. You can also specify a percent with TOP expression which returns only the expression percent of rows from the result set. Float expressions used in TOP percent are rounded up to the next integer value.

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Ahmad Yaseen

Saving the Plan Cache storage using the Optimize for Ad hoc Workloads option

February 23, 2017 by

When you run a query in SQL Server, the SQL Server Query Optimizer will draw the road map for that query, specifying the optimal way to execute it, which is called the query execution plan.

Generating the execution plan will take few milliseconds from the CPU cycles, which is negligible for one query or small load, but it will be considerable for a very heavy transactional workload. Because of this, SQL Server caches these generated plans in a special type of memory called the Plan Cache to eliminate the overhead generated by the query plan if the same query is executed again. When you submit your query to the SQL Server Engine, it will search in the plan cache if there is any existing execution plan that can be reused, if an available execution plan is found in the plan cache, the plan will be used to execute that query, otherwise, the SQL Server Query Optimizer will create a new plan and keep it in the plan cache for future use.

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Ahmad Yaseen

SQL Server Estimated Vs Actual Execution Plans

December 29, 2016 by

A SQL Server execution plan is the most efficient and least cost road map that is generated by the Query Optimizer’s algorithms calculations to execute the submitted T-SQL query. Execution plans are used by the database administrators to troubleshoot the performance of poorly performing queries to isolate the part of the query that is at the root of the performance issue.

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