Azure Blob Storage – Literally a Hybrid database deployment

August 4, 2015 by

In continuation to our hybrid deployment series, we will check few more options in order to integrate on-premises and Azure, using of course SQL Server. In the last article we talked about Azure Blob Storage and how to use this service to store a SQL Server database entirely there. Meaning that we can have our […]

Bcp and linked servers to Azure

July 13, 2015 by

Introduction Sometimes, we need to use the command line to copy tables using the command line. In this new chapter, we will use the BCP command to copy tables from a local machine to the SQL Server in Azure. The BCP is a very fast bulk copy tools used for this purpose. We will also […]

SQL Server and BI – Creating a query for the revenue projection

June 5, 2015 by

A few days ago I received an interesting challenge from one of our clients. The lady was attempting to estimate her potential monthly revenue recognition for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2015, through December 31, 2015. The lady named Linda sells goods and services (each class yielding differing sales margins). In the first portion […]

How to automate SQL Server database restores

March 30, 2015 by

Introduction A few days back I encountered an interesting challenge. The client wanted to have copies of the nightly backups of the transactional databases restored on a warehouse server, to be utilized to update the warehouse. The over all process Prior to the pushing the daily backup to the warehouse server, the previous days restore […]

Reading the SQL Server Transaction Log

February 9, 2015 by

Introduction There has always been some debate as to whether or not there are real benefits to be gained from accessing the information in the transaction log. This article will endeavor to answer that question by looking at the following: What is the SQL Server Transaction Log? What information is stored in the transaction log? […]

Understanding the SQL Server Audit

February 9, 2015 by

Introduction With the advent of the Information Era, data is being collected on a massive scale. Information Technology systems have made access to this data faster and easier. It has also made it easier for data to be misused.

In-Memory OLTP Series – Introduction

January 30, 2015 by

Introduced on SQL Server 2014, the new brand feature In-Memory OLTP a.k.a “Hekaton” is a Main-Memory Database Engine. Developed by Microsoft Research & Paul Larson (Database Research Group at MSFT) this feature have the ability to manage and held tables entirely In-Memory. In this Series we will pass through for all the new concepts and […]