Nisarg Upadhyay

Nisarg Upadhyay
create and drop temp table: create a new temp table using select query.

Learn MySQL: Create and drop temp tables

August 18, 2020 by

In this article, we are going to learn how to create a temp table and further drop these tables. The temporary tables are session-specific tables that are created within the session. When the session closes, the table is dropped by itself. A temporary table exists within a session only; therefore, a table created by one session is not visible to another session. For example, Session ID 501 has created a temporary table then session ID 502 cannot access it or manipulate it. Two different sessions can have a temporary table with the same name.

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The Backup of is compressed and split into multiple files

Compress and split SQL database backups using WinRar

August 4, 2020 by

Recently, we have received a strange request from our customer. They want us to set up a schedule a backup job that generates a backup of SQL database, compress the backup file in multiple compressed archive files (WinRAR files.) We tried to explain to the customer that the SQL Server native backups are capable of compressing the backup file, and it can split a large and compressed backup into multiple backup files. But they insisted us to use the WinRAR software to compress and split the backup.

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Sort and Filter: Order by on expression

Learn MySQL: Sorting and Filtering data in a table

July 28, 2020 by

In this article, we will learn how we can sort and filter data using the WHERE clause and sort the data using the ORDER BY clause. In my previous article, Learn MySQL: Querying data from MySQL server using the SELECT statement, we learned how to generate the ER diagram using reverse-engineering the database using MySQL workbench and basics of SELECT statement and usage. Ins this article, we will learn how we can sort and filter data using the WHERE clause and sort the data using the ORDER BY clause.

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What is pagination: Limit 10, offset 10

Learn MySQL: What is pagination

July 27, 2020 by

In this article, I am going to explain that in MySQL, what is pagination and how we can implement it. When we are populating a large dataset from the MySQL database, it is not easy to read all the records on the same page. Using pagination, we can divide the result-set into multiple pages, and that increases the readability of the result set. In this article, I am going to explain:

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PageVerify is Checksum

Enforce SQL database best practices using SQL Server Policy-Based Management

July 24, 2020 by

In this article, I am going to explain how we can enforce the SQL database best practices using Policy-Based Management. The policy-based management feature of SQL Server was introduced in SQL Server 2005. This feature was useful because it helps database administrators to define and enforce the database policies based on the organizations’ requirements.

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Backup Query

Refresh a SQL Database using the maintenance plan

July 2, 2020 by

In this article, I am going to explain how we can refresh a SQL Database using the Maintenance plan. To demonstrate the process, I have configured two virtual machines. I have installed SQL Server 2016 on both. To refresh the SQL database on destination database server, we will generate a copy-only backup of the SQL database on source database server. I have created a network share directory. Both the source and destination server have the read-write permission on it. The backup file will be copied on a shared directory. Once the database is restored to the destination, we will delete the file from the network share directory.

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Content of backup file

How to backup and restore MySQL databases using the mysqldump command

May 12, 2020 by

In this article, I am going to explain different ways to generate the backup in the MySQL database server. As we know, data is a valuable asset to the organization. As database administrators, it is our primary and crucial job to keep the data available and safe. If the system or data center fails, database corruption, and data loss, we must be able to recover it within the defined SLA.

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List of all database services provided by Azure

Deploying Azure Databases for MySQL server using Azure Portal

April 24, 2020 by

In this article, I am going to explain the step by step process to create an Azure Database for MySQL Server. Azure Database for MySQL is a fully-managed database as a service that uses MySQL community edition. It can manage the mission-critical workload with dynamic scalability. We can use it to develop various applications that leverage open-source tools and cross-platform applications. Let me explain these steps of a deployment process of MySQL Server on Azure.

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access view

Enterprise Data Masking in MySQL

April 15, 2020 by

In this article, I am going to explain Data Masking feature in MySQL. The data masking is the MySQL enterprise edition feature. You can download the trial version of MySQL enterprise edition from here. Data Masking is a process of hiding confidential data like credit card information, SSNs, addresses etc. to safeguard sensitive data.

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Query editor window

How to install MySQL database server 8.0.19 on Windows 10

March 19, 2020 by

In this article, I am going to explain the step by step installation process of MySQL database server 8.0.19. MySQL is open-source, cross-platform relational database management server developed by Swedish company “MySQL AB” and later acquired by Oracle corporation. MySQL is offered as an open-source MySQL community server edition and enterprise server edition. In this article, I am going to install the MySQL Community server edition.

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Data loaded in the Power Query editor

How to access data from Azure Blob Storage using Power BI

March 17, 2020 by

In this article, I am going to explain how we can access the data from the Azure Blob Storage using Power BI. To do that, we are going to use the below tools:

  1. Azure BLOB Storage account: We have uploaded the source CSV file to it
  2. Power Query editor: To choose the data that we want to load in the Power BI report
  3. Power BI Desktop: To view the data imported from the CSV file
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