Nisarg Upadhyay

Nisarg Upadhyay
General Page in New Linked Server

Configure a Linked Server between SQL Server and PostgreSQL using ODBC drivers

December 6, 2021 by

This article explains configuring a linked server between SQL Server 2019 and PostgreSQL. In my previous article named Configure ODBC drivers for PostgreSQL, we got introduced to the ODBC driver of PostgreSQL. We also learned how we could download, install, and configure it. In this article, we will explore how we can utilize the ODBC driver to access the data of the PostgreSQL from SQL Server 2019.

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SELECT Query with space in columns name without errors

How to write SQL queries with spaces in column names

September 29, 2021 by

In this article, we are going to learn how we can write a SQL query with space in the column name. Blanks spaces are restricted in the naming convention of the database object’s name and column name of the table. If you want to include the blanks space in the object name or column name, the query and application code must be written differently. You must be careful and precise while writing dynamic SQL queries. This article explains how we can handle object names and columns with blank space in SQL Server and MySQL.

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View data from a movies_backup table

Learn MySQL: MySQL Copy table

September 7, 2021 by

This article explains the MySQL copy table process. In this article, you will learn how we can copy data from one table to another table. These tables could be in the same database or different databases. The MySQL copy table process can copy a specific dataset or all data from the source table to the destination table. We can use the MySQL copy table process to replicate the issues that occurred on production servers, which helps developers rectify the issues quickly.

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set database to single user mode


June 7, 2021 by

In this article, we are going to explore the purpose of the ALTER DATABASE SET SINGLE_USER statement. The ALTER DATABASE SET SINGLE_USER is used to put the database in single-user mode. When any database is in single-user mode, the new user cannot connect to the database. However, the users that are already connected to the database do not get disconnected.

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