
Esat Erkec
Tune SQL Server performance using with help of the wait statistics

Boost SQL Server Performance with Wait Statistics

October 26, 2020 by

In this article, we will explore, how we can increase SQL Server performance with the help of the wait statistics. Wait statistics are one of the most important indicators to identify performance issues in SQL Server. When we want to troubleshoot any performance issue, at first we need to diagnose the problem correctly because correctly diagnosing problems help with half of the solution. Now, let’s learn wait statistics which helps to identify performance issues properly.

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Esat Erkec
Set the test scenario query

Performing a Load Test on SQL Server using Apache JMeter

October 7, 2020 by

In this article, we will learn how to use Apache JMeter to perform a load test on SQL Server. This test type enables us to measure the application behaviors under specific conditions so that it enables us to observe a variety of resource consumptions (CPU, memory, latency, response times, etc) and it also helps to detect the performance bottlenecks. Database testing can help to find out and identify the problem when the database working under high workloads with multiple users. The database people can identify and fix the performance issues before publishing the database into the production through these tests.

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Esat Erkec
Measuring disk latency with Perfmon for SQL Server troubleshooting

SQL Server troubleshooting: Disk I/O problems

August 17, 2020 by

In this article, we will discuss how to resolve I/O problems that is a very important point for the SQL Server troubleshooting. The storage subsystem is one of the significant performance factors for the databases. Detecting and identifying I/O problems in SQL Server can be a tough task for the database administrators (DBAs). Generally, the underlying reasons for the I/O problems can be:

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Jignesh Raiyani
PLE in Windows Performance Monitor

Page Life Expectancy (PLE) in SQL Server

July 17, 2020 by

Page Life Expectancy (PLE) is an age of a data page in seconds in the buffer cache or buffer memory after querying the tables with the loading data page into the buffer memory. Page Life Expectancy value indicates the memory pressure in allocated memory to the SQL Server instance. In most of the cases, a page will be dropped from buffer periodically.

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Ed Pollack
Execution plan when using a system DMV instead of COUNT.

SQL Server Database Metrics

October 2, 2019 by


There is a multitude of database metrics that we can collect and use to help us understand database and server resource consumption, as well as overall usage.

This data can include hardware statistics, such as measures of CPU or memory consumed over time. We can also examine database metadata, including row counts, waits, and deadlocks.

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Ed Pollack
Row Count Metrics

Using SQL Server Database Metrics to Predict Application Problems

September 27, 2019 by


Database metrics can be collected, maintained, and used to help predict when processes go awry so problems can be resolved before they become severe. Understanding when an application or process misbehaves is not always easy. We are often left waiting until a server, application, or service breaks or enters an undesirable state before we know something is wrong. At that point, we are forced to rush and resolve a production problem quickly, before its impact becomes severe.

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Ben Richardson
Screenshot of Query Store fully enabled.

Performance Monitoring via SQL Server Query Store

August 19, 2019 by

SQL Server Query Store is a performance monitoring tool that helps us evaluate the performance of a SQL query in terms of several different performance metrics such as CPU and Memory Consumption, execution time and the I/O cycles consumed by the query. Query store is similar to the windows “Task Manager”. A task manager provides information about the CPU, Memory, Network and Disc consumption of a process. Similarly, the Query Store provides insight to similar information.

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Sifiso Ndlovu
Data imported using Custom SQL Statement.

Monitor batch statements of the Get Data feature in Power BI using SQL Server extended events

July 1, 2019 by

One shared characteristic among popular data visualization tools such as Power BI is the ease at which data can be extracted from a variety of disparate data sources, usually at a click of a button, as shown in Figure 1. Such convenience, though, tends to come at a cost as you often have little control over how background scripts used to extract data are generated. Yet, this should be of utmost concern for data architects and BI developers alike as rarely do you find auto-generated scripts that are efficient and optimal. In this article, join me as I put on my DBA hat and trace, monitor and review SQL batch statements that are auto-generated by the Get Data feature in Power BI using SQL Server Extended Events.

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