
Prashanth Jayaram
Find the version table to analyze the workflow

Different ways to login to Azure automation using PowerShell

December 22, 2020 by

PowerShell becomes a de facto toolset in the arsenal of Azure automation. PowerShell provides a platform and a friendly way of automating many repeated tasks, which in turn minimize the time-and-cost. PowerShell always comes to the rescue when there is a need for automation, and it is no different for Azure. If you are already familiar with PowerShell cmdlets, then it will be easy to be acquainted with Azure PowerShell modules. For Azure automation, Microsoft provided a set of Azure PowerShell Modules that can be leverage to manage the Azure Cloud platform.

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Prashanth Jayaram
Create Azure SQL Database using Azure portal to restore the geo backup

Quick start guide to Geo-restore in Azure SQL Database

November 24, 2020 by

Azure SQL Database—a cloud-based service model provides a platform to back up the data and ensure to keep the business up-and-running even after the disaster. The data is vital and backup of the data revolves around the process of backup, restoration, recovery, Business-Continuity-Plans (BCP), and disaster recovery (DR). In this article, we will learn:

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Dinesh Asanka
Multiclass classificaiton for comparison in Azure Machine Learning.

Comparing models in Azure Machine Learning

November 23, 2020 by


After discussing a few algorithms and techniques with Azure Machine Learning let us discuss techniques of comparison in Azure Machine Learning in this article. During this series of articles, we have discussed the basic cleaning techniques, feature selection techniques and Principal component analysis, etc. After discussing Regression and Classification analysis let us focus more on performing comparison in Azure Machine Learning.

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Frank Solomon
Start the Google Cloud resource creation process.

Build a Google BigQuery Resource

November 12, 2020 by


We can rely on Azure SQL to build reliable, high-quality relational database solutions. In the cloud, Google offers BigQuery as a big data product that has large data capacities, and a standard SQL syntax. Although it can handle data manipulation, it works better as a data warehouse product because of certain product limitations. If we can integrate these products, they become even more useful. This two-part article will show how to link these products together. Part one here will show how to build a BigQuery resource, and then build a Google OAuth refresh token, or security key. Part two will show how to set up an Azure SQL data resource, and build, configure, and test the Azure Data Factory that will link those resources.

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Dinesh Asanka
The Sample experiment for the Classification technique.

Prediction with Classification in Azure Machine Learning

October 30, 2020 by


After discussing Regression in the previous article, let us discuss the techniques for Classification in Azure Machine learning in this article. Like regression, classification is also the common prediction technique that is being used in many organizations. Before the regression we have discussed basic cleaning techniques, feature selection techniques and Principal component analysis in previous articles, now we will be looking at data classification techniques in azure machine learning in this article.

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Ahmad Yaseen
Azure Portal Search

Starting your journey with Microsoft Azure Data Factory

October 21, 2020 by

Working as an Azure Data Engineer, you are responsible for designing and implementing Azure data platform solutions in which you need to choose the best method to ingest structured, semi-structured and unstructured data that are generated from various data sources, in order to be processed in batches or in real-time by the applications and stored or visualized as per the project requirements.

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Prashanth Jayaram
Premium performance model

Azure SQL Database vs SQL Server on Azure VMs

October 20, 2020 by

The recent trend proves that the adoption of the Cloud has much greater significance and importance in modernizing IT. If you are working on migrating the on-premises SQL Server to Microsoft Azure cloud, you need to have a better understanding of the key differences between Azure SQL databases and SQL Server on Azure VMs and options that work best for you.

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