Exploring a SQL log with a SQL Server logs reading tool

Go LSN in SQL Server

November 25, 2021 by

Introduction If you are reading this article is because you read about the SQL Server transaction log and you want to go to the LSN to restore information. This article will explain what is the LSN and show some tables, views, and system functions used to retrieve LSN information. We will also learn how to […]

SQL commands in SQL Server

November 22, 2021 by

Introduction If you are here, it means that you want to learn the SQL commands. This article applies to SQL Server especially, but most of the theory is similar to Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and other databases. The SQL commands are instructions that we send to the database to get information, manipulate the information or […]

sysprocesses details for BACKUP DATABASE statement after encryption

Performance impact analysis of enabling Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) on SQL Server

October 14, 2021 by

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) encrypts database files to secure your data. It also encrypts the tempdb database to secure your data in a temporary space. The process of encryption and decryption adds additional overhead to the database system. Even non-encrypted databases hosted on the same SQL Server instance would have some performance degradation because of […]

Using RANK and DENSE_RANK Functions in MySQL

Overview of MySQL Window Functions

October 1, 2021 by

In this article, we are going to learn about the different types of MySQL Window Functions and how to use them as per different use cases. MySQL is one of the most commonly used databases in the software world today. Almost every other web application running uses MySQL as a database, either on-premise or on […]

View data from a movies_backup table

Learn MySQL: MySQL Copy table

September 7, 2021 by

This article explains the MySQL copy table process. In this article, you will learn how we can copy data from one table to another table. These tables could be in the same database or different databases. The MySQL copy table process can copy a specific dataset or all data from the source table to the […]