Execution plans

Susantha Bathige

Understanding Skewed Data in SQL Server

May 22, 2017 by


I recently did some research to analyze skewed data distribution in SQL Server. This article is the outcome of my analysis to share with SQL Server community.

SQL Server understands its data distribution using statistics. The SQL Server query optimizer then uses the statistics to calculate estimated row counts when executing the queries submitted by users. The accuracy of estimated row count is crucial to get optimal execution plans. The SQL Server query optimizer is a complex mathematical component and it does a decent job to create better execution plans during a very short period of time.

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Neeraj Prasad Sharma

SQL Server TOP clause performance problem with parallelism

April 13, 2017 by

Basics of TOP Operator

The TOP keyword in SQL Server is a non-ANSI standard expression to limit query results to some set of pre-specified rows. As an argument, it takes 0 to positive Bigint (9223372036854775807) and anything beyond or less gives an error message. TOP without an order by clause, in production, seems buggy because it can produce results in any order depending on the current schema and execution plan. You can also specify a percent with TOP expression which returns only the expression percent of rows from the result set. Float expressions used in TOP percent are rounded up to the next integer value.

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Ahmad Yaseen

Saving the Plan Cache storage using the Optimize for Ad hoc Workloads option

February 23, 2017 by

When you run a query in SQL Server, the SQL Server Query Optimizer will draw the road map for that query, specifying the optimal way to execute it, which is called the query execution plan.

Generating the execution plan will take few milliseconds from the CPU cycles, which is negligible for one query or small load, but it will be considerable for a very heavy transactional workload. Because of this, SQL Server caches these generated plans in a special type of memory called the Plan Cache to eliminate the overhead generated by the query plan if the same query is executed again. When you submit your query to the SQL Server Engine, it will search in the plan cache if there is any existing execution plan that can be reused, if an available execution plan is found in the plan cache, the plan will be used to execute that query, otherwise, the SQL Server Query Optimizer will create a new plan and keep it in the plan cache for future use.

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Ahmad Yaseen

SQL Server Estimated Vs Actual Execution Plans

December 29, 2016 by

A SQL Server execution plan is the most efficient and least cost road map that is generated by the Query Optimizer’s algorithms calculations to execute the submitted T-SQL query. Execution plans are used by the database administrators to troubleshoot the performance of poorly performing queries to isolate the part of the query that is at the root of the performance issue.

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Ahmad Yaseen

What’s new in SQL Server 2014 Cardinality Estimator?

November 14, 2016 by

The Cardinality Estimator is a SQL Server Query Processor component that is responsible for predicting the number of rows that the query will return. This estimation of the number of rows in addition to the SQL Server statistics will be used by the SQL Server Query Optimizer to create the optimal and the most accurate execution plan for your query that has the lowest processing cost to execute.

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Ahmad Yaseen

SQL Server 2016 Parameter Sniffing

October 19, 2016 by

SQL Server tries always to generate the most optimized execution plan for each stored procedure the first time that the stored procedure is executed. The SQL Server Engine looks at the stored procedure passed parameter values when compiling the stored procedure, the first execution, in order to create the optimal plan including the parameters and keep that plan for future use in the plan cache. This parameter analysis process is called the Parameter Sniffing.

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Ahmad Yaseen

Force query execution plan using SQL Server 2016 Query store

July 29, 2016 by

SQL Server Query Store is a new feature introduced in SQL Server 2016 that is used to automatically and asynchronously capture query execution history, statistics and plans, with minimal impact to overall SQL Server Performance. The Query Store feature makes performance problem troubleshooting simple; you can view the query execution plans changes and compare its performance to decide which execution plan the SQL Server Query Optimizer should use for that query.

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Ed Pollack

Searching the SQL Server query plan cache

February 8, 2016 by

Whenever a query is executed in SQL Server, its execution plan, as well as some useful execution data are placed into the plan cache for future use. This information is a treasure trove of metrics that can allow some very useful insight into your server’s performance and resource consumption. Much of this information would be difficult or impossible to acquire otherwise.

Understanding how to access and use the metadata about query execution will provide us the tools we need to answer questions about our server and gain fascinating performance data. I’ve found myself spending more and more time writing, tweaking, and using queries against the plan cache lately and look forward to sharing these adventures with you!

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Ed Pollack

The SQL Server Query Store in Action

November 26, 2015 by


The Query Store is a new feature in SQL Server 2016 that will greatly improve the process of performance tuning! The biggest limit of the query plan cache and the dynamic management views that relates to it is that it is very temporary. Queries are only accessible for as long as they are in cache, and as a result there is no way to travel back in time to determine what happened at 9am yesterday, or why performance worsened over a week-long period.

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Brian Bønk Rueløkke

Query Store – the next generation tool for every DBA

November 13, 2015 by

Along with the release of SQL server 2016 CTP 3 now comes the preview of a brand new feature for on premise databases – the Query Store. This feature enables performance monitoring and troubleshooting through the log of executed queries.

This blogpost will cover the following aspects of the Query Store feature:

  • Introduction
  • How to activate it
  • Configuration options
  • What information is found in the Query Store
  • How to use the feature
  • What’s in it for me
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Milena Petrovic

Frequent query recompilations – a SQL query performance killer – detection

April 11, 2014 by
In the previous part of this article, we presented query recompilation basics. We explained when a query is compiled, when recompiled, and what preferred behavior is. We also showed the how to trigger a recompilation using T-SQL and provided examples. In this part, we will focus on detecting frequent query recompilations and frequently recompiled queries. Read more »
Milena Petrovic

SQL query performance killers – understanding poor database indexing

March 31, 2014 by
SQL Server performance is affected by many factors. The most common SQL Server performance killers are poor database design, poor indexing, poor query design, not reusable execution plans, frequent query recompilation, excessive fragmentation, and more. With these factors present on your machine, even adding additional hardware resources might not help, as these SQL Server performance killers can use all available resources. Read more »
Milena Petrovic

SQL Server query execution plans – Basics

March 15, 2014 by

Why is query execution important for SQL Server performance?

SQL Server performance monitoring depends on the performance goals. The first step in monitoring is to determine optimal performance for your server and create performance trends based on the captured metric information. If performance is not satisfactory, it’s necessary to diagnose performance problems and find their origin. This involves testing how different queries and applications affect performance Read more »