Hadi Fadlallah
This image shows how XML value was sent in one row to the flat file destination that acts as SSIS XML Destination

SSIS XML Destination

October 11, 2019 by

Until now, Microsoft has not included the XML Destination component in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). Many years ago, this component was requested on the Microsoft connect website, but it was closed as “Won’t fix.” For this reason, many workarounds and third-party components were created. In this article, we’ll talk about these components and some of the popular solutions for exporting data to XML using SSIS.

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Hadi Fadlallah
This image shows how to add an OLE DB Connection manager from Visual studio

SSIS OLE DB Source: SQL Command vs Table or View

August 22, 2019 by


SQL Server Integration Services provides a wide variety of features that helps developers to build a robust Extract, Transform, and Load process. After many years contributing to SSIS-related tags on, I can say that many developers have some misunderstandings about SSIS features (SSIS OLE DB Source, SSIS Expressions, SQL Server destination …) especially those which are very similar and have some common usability.

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Timothy Smith

SQL Bulk Insert Concurrency and Performance Considerations

January 18, 2019 by

One of the challenges we face when using SQL bulk insert from files flat can be concurrency and performance challenges, especially if the load involves a multi-step data flow, where we can’t execute a latter step until we finish with an early step. We also see these optimization challenges with constraints as well, as fewer steps to complete a data flow results in saved time, but possibly less accurate data.

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Timothy Smith

Working With Line Numbers and Errors Using Bulk Insert

January 10, 2019 by

In the first part of reviewing the basics of bulk insert, we looked at importing entire files, specifying delimiters for rows and columns, and bypassing error messages. Sometimes we’ll want to skip first and ending lines, log errors and bad records for review after inserting data, and work with data types directly without first importing using a varchar and converting to the data type later. In this part, we look at these techniques using T-SQL’s native bulk insert.

Timothy Smith

T-SQL’s Native Bulk Insert Basics

January 8, 2019 by

From troubleshooting many data flow applications designed by others, I’ve seen a common pattern of over complexity with many designs. Putting aside possible risks by introducing too much complexity, troubleshooting these designs often involves opening many different applications – from a notepad file, to SSIS, to SQL Server Management Studio, to a script tool, etc. It may sound like many of these are doing a hundred steps, yet many times, they’re simply importing data from a file, or calling five stored procedures and then a file task of moving a file. This complexity is often unnecessary, as is opening many different tools when we can use a few tools and solve issues faster.

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Esat Erkec

How to use parallel insert in SQL Server 2016 to improve query performance

December 8, 2017 by


In the first part of this article, we will discuss about parallelism in the SQL Server Engine. Parallel processing is, simply put, dividing a big task into multiple processors. This model is meant to reduce processing time.

  • SQL Server can execute queries in parallel
  • SQL Server creates a path for every query. This path is execution plan
  • The SQL Server query optimizer creates execution plans
  • SQL Server query optimizer decides the most efficient way for create execution plan

Execution plans are the equivalent to highways and traffic signs of T-SQL queries. They tell us how a query is executed.

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