Manvendra Singh

SQL Server Interview questions and answers

October 25, 2021 by

This article will help you to learn and prepare SQL Server interview questions and answers. If you are looking for a job change or want to improve your interview skills, then you must go through with this article along with questions & answers given in this article. I have tried to answer each question in a very precise manner which most interviewers want to listen to these days.

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Manvendra Singh

SQL Interview questions and answers

October 20, 2021 by

This article will walk you through some SQL interview questions and answers to help you with a job change or if you want to improve your interview skills. I have also tried to attach supporting articles for each question to help you learn more in-depth about the specified topics. I tried to answer each question in a very precise manner which most the interviewers want to listen to these days. If you want to learn more about the topic asked, you can visit the attached link given for that question.

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Manvendra Singh
sysprocesses details for BACKUP DATABASE statement after encryption

Performance impact analysis of enabling Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) on SQL Server

October 14, 2021 by

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) encrypts database files to secure your data. It also encrypts the tempdb database to secure your data in a temporary space. The process of encryption and decryption adds additional overhead to the database system. Even non-encrypted databases hosted on the same SQL Server instance would have some performance degradation because of tempdb encryption. Today I will show you performance impact analysis using few simple T-SQL statements by comparing their stats gathered before and after enabling TDE.

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Aveek Das
Power BI Data Model for Time Intelligence - Power BI Time Calculation

Overview of Power BI Time calculations

October 11, 2021 by

In this article, we are going to understand the various types of Power BI time calculations and how to implement these calculations. We will also understand the reason behind implementing such time-based calculations and the importance of these in the real world. The Power BI time calculations are also known as Time Intelligence functions that can be applied in DAX. There are a lot of functions available under Time Intelligence and you can read about it in detail from the official documentation from Microsoft.

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Aveek Das
IoT Data Flow

Introduction to Azure Time Series Insights

October 7, 2021 by

In this article, we are going to learn in detail about Azure Time Series Insights. Microsoft Azure is one of the leading cloud providers these days. With a lot of companies adopting or migrating to the cloud these days, it has become a usual trend to convert existing technologies into cloud-based services and consume them. This not only helps the companies to reduce their cost but also in turn allows them to focus on more business-related problems rather than concentrating on infrastructure costs.

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