Database design

Bojan Petrovic
An executed CREATE VIEW SQL script showing data returned only for the SELECT statement in SSMS

CREATE VIEW SQL: Modifying views in SQL Server

March 5, 2020 by

In my previous article, we looked at how to use the CREATE VIEW SQL statement to create views. In this one, we are moving on and focusing on how to modify views. We will continue using examples on a sample database and data created in the first write-up so in order to follow along, head over and read the Creating views in SQL Server part before starting with this one.

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Bojan Petrovic
CREATE VIEW SQL script for creating a simple view

CREATE VIEW SQL: Creating views in SQL Server

January 23, 2020 by


In this article, we are going to see how to use the CREATE VIEW SQL statement to create a view. This is the first article in a series that will be a programmatical approach of creating, altering and working with views using T-SQL. If you are a beginner and you don’t even know what a view is, don’t worry. We will kick off with a definition, and then move on to some basics like syntax, examples, use cases, etc.

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Ben Richardson
Example Of Records Using A Clustered Index

Using SQL CREATE INDEX to create clustered and non-clustered indexes

January 10, 2020 by

The SQL CREATE INDEX statement is used to create clustered as well as non-clustered indexes in SQL Server. An index in a database is very similar to an index in a book. A book index may have a list of topics discussed in a book in alphabetical order. Therefore, if you want to search for any specific topic, you simply go to the index, find the page number of the topic, and go to that specific page number. Database indexes are similar and come handy. Particularly, if you have a huge number of records in your database, indexes can speed up the query execution process. There are two major types of indexes in SQL Server: clustered indexes and non-clustered indexes.

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Nisarg Upadhyay
Database install script

Install and configure the AdventureWorks2016 sample database

January 9, 2020 by

This article explains the process of installing the AdventureWorks2016 and AdventureWorksDW2016 sample database on a stand-alone instance of SQL Server and Azure SQL Server. The sample databases were published by Microsoft to demonstrate how to design a database using SQL Server. Microsoft has also published another lightweight database named AdventureworksLT, which can be used as a sample database on Azure SQL Server.

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Ahmad Yaseen
SQL Server audit - New Temporal Table Creation

Performing a SQL Server Audit using System-Versioned Temporal Tables

May 14, 2019 by

In previous articles of this SQL Server Audit series (see the TOC at the bottom), we discussed the main concept and real-life needs for having a SQL Server Audit solution. After that, we went through the different methods that can be used to audit the SQL Server instances and databases. In this article, we will show how to take advantages of the System-versioned Temporal Tables feature to audit database table DML changes.

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Ranga Babu
Data check

SQL Foreign key

April 5, 2019 by

In this article let us review different ways to create a SQL foreign key, rules on updates and deletes, enabling foreign key constraints, disabling foreign key constraints and not for replication in foreign keys.

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