Rajendra Gupta

Rajendra Gupta
Latest posts by Rajendra Gupta (see all)
sql server always on

SQL Server Always On Availability Group Data Resynchronization

May 9, 2019 by

In my previous article Data Synchronization in SQL Server Always On Availability Group, we described a scenario where if a secondary replica goes down in synchronous data commit mode, SQL Server Always on Availability group changes to asynchronous data commit mode. It ensures that users can get their transaction commit irrespective of waiting for a secondary replica to come online.

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SQL CASE statement


May 9, 2019 by

We use the SQL CHARINDEX function to find the position of a substring or expression in a given string. We might have a character in different positions of a string. SQL CHARINDEX returns the first position and ignores the rest of matching character positions in a string.

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SQL Server feature selection for Python SQL

Data Sampling with Python SQL Scripts

May 9, 2019 by


The Python programming language is object oriented, easy to use and, widely used programming language. We can write simple Python SQL Scripts and it performs the task that is not easy to do with t-SQL.