Using SQL Server 2016 CTP3 in Azure

November 6, 2015 by

As the time of the release of the next version of SQL Server is closing in, the cycle of Community Technical Preview (CTP) releases is shorter and shorter – we are now at CTP3 and the product seems very much mature for release. There is a handful of features not yet implemented, that was on […]

How to connect our C# application in Azure

October 30, 2015 by

Azure is a simple and cheap way to have a Database. You can rent your Azure Database of 2 GB per 5 USD per month. That is a very cheap price. You can also administer your Database from your Android or your iPhone, which is very interesting. It is also possible to create your Windows […]

How to work with Visual Studio and VM databases in Azure

September 24, 2015 by

Introduction In this new article, we will use Visual Studio to connect to a SQL Server Database Installed in a Virtual Machine in Azure. Visual Studio is one of the most popular development tools in the world and connecting to Azure with Visual Studio is a very common need. We will modify an existing SQL […]

Azure Blob Storage – Literally a Hybrid database deployment

August 4, 2015 by

In continuation to our hybrid deployment series, we will check few more options in order to integrate on-premises and Azure, using of course SQL Server. In the last article we talked about Azure Blob Storage and how to use this service to store a SQL Server database entirely there. Meaning that we can have our […]

Bcp and linked servers to Azure

July 13, 2015 by

Introduction Sometimes, we need to use the command line to copy tables using the command line. In this new chapter, we will use the BCP command to copy tables from a local machine to the SQL Server in Azure. The BCP is a very fast bulk copy tools used for this purpose. We will also […]

Backups to Azure – How can I do this?

July 3, 2015 by

With the evolution of the Cloud, specifically talking about Azure, SQL Server team started to take advantage of the new opened horizon. We already discussed pros and cons of send backups to Azure, now let’s check how to do this! Following the “Hybrid Scenarios series”, we already discussed about the connectivity options, and pros and […]

How to work handle SQL Azure Databases with PowerShell

May 5, 2015 by

Introduction PowerShell is a shell used specially to automate administrative tasks. It is an incredible tool used to programmatically automate tasks like SQL Server tasks, Exchange tasks, Windows tasks, etc. It is very useful to integrate different Microsoft and sometimes non-Microsoft programs. In this new tutorial, we will show how to install PowerShell for Azure […]

Creating Azure automation to start Azure VMs

February 2, 2015 by

When you have created a series of Azure VMs – for example for doing demos – you might want to be able to start it and shut it down easily. For convenience purposes but also for keeping the cost down while you’re not using the Azure VMs. In this case Azure Automation comes handy.