SQL commands

Hadi Fadlallah
the general tab page of the execute sql task

SQL OFFSET FETCH Feature: Loading Large Volumes of Data Using Limited Resources with SSIS

November 14, 2019 by

In this article, we illustrate how to use the OFFSET FETCH feature as a solution for loading large volumes of data from a relational database using a machine with limited memory and preventing an out of memory exception. We describe how to load data in batches to avoid placing a large amount of data into memory.

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Esat Erkec

SQL multiple joins for beginners with examples

October 16, 2019 by

In this article, we will learn the SQL multiple joins concept and reinforce our learnings with pretty simple examples, which are explained with illustrations. In relational databases, data is stored in tables. Without a doubt, and most of the time, we need a result set that is formed combining data from several tables. The joins allow us to combine data from two or more tables so that we are able to join data of the tables so that we can easily retrieve data from multiple tables. You might ask yourself how many different types of join exist in SQL Server. The answer is there are four main types of joins that exist in SQL Server. First of all, we will briefly describe them using Venn diagram illustrations:

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Esat Erkec
Renaming the temp tables

How to rename tables in SQL Server with the sp_rename command

October 7, 2019 by

In this article, we will learn to rename tables in SQL Server. sp_rename is a built-in stored procedure which helps to rename user tables in the SQL Server. During the software development life cycle, we might be faced with various scenarios that required to rename the existing tables in the database. For example, the tables which are created in the SQL Server might be needed to be renamed, because of the software version upgrades, bug fixing or other various development requirements. These and similar reasons can make renaming tables important. So, in this article, we will particularly focus on how to rename the tables in SQL Server.

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Dinesh Asanka
Transaction log usage after TRUNCATE TABLE statment is executed.

Truncate Table Operations in SQL Server

September 25, 2019 by

Truncating a table is removing all the records in an entire table or a table partition. TRUNCATE table is functionally similar to DELETE table with no WHERE clause. However, TRUNCATE table is much faster than DELETE with respect to the time and the resource consumptions which we will look at in this article. TRUNCATE statement removes the data by de-allocating the data pages in the table data. This means that TRUNCATE is similar to drop and re-create the table. Also, it records only the page de-allocations in the transaction log, not the row-wise as in DELETE statement.

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