Languages and coding

Timothy Smith
The Azure Portal view of our SQL API database in our Azure Cosmos DB

Creating and Removing Databases with PowerShell In Azure Cosmos DB

May 27, 2019 by

Our testing or development may call for dynamic creation on the database level for Azure Cosmos DB rather than the account level. As we’ve seen with dynamically working with a Cosmos database account using PowerShell, we can create, remove, and obtain properties of the account. Identically, we can do this on the database level as well and we may use this in testing if we need the same Cosmos database account for other testing purposes. Development situations may also involve use cases where we want to test a concept and dynamically create a database within our Cosmos database account. In this tip, we’ll look at working with our Azure Cosmos database account on the database object level where we do nothing to manipulate the account itself, only add databases to the account once it’s been setup.

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Timothy Smith
We can regenerate keys in the Azure Portal for our Azure Cosmos DB

Getting and Updating Connection Information for Azure Cosmos DB

May 24, 2019 by

After we set up our Azure Cosmos DB, we may want to get, add to, or update existing properties. We may use some of the get functionality that PowerShell provides to dynamically save values to encrypted configuration files or tables that we use for application purposes and this functionality could be added to the creation of the Cosmos database account, or a separate step in addition to the creation. In secure contexts, this ensures security without the properties after passing through human eyes since they are saved directly to an encrypted location. In the same manner, we may want to regenerate the keys for the account and save the connection strings with the new keys.

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Timothy Smith
The options we see when we select the download template for automation

Creating and Removing Azure Cosmos DBs with PowerShell

May 21, 2019 by

When managing Azure Cosmos DB, we can use the Azure portal and create resources through the interface or use the command line in the portal and create resources. PowerShell also supports some functionality for creating and managing these resources, which can help development teams automate the creation of these databases for quick creations, unit and security tests, removals if the resources aren’t required following the tests. We can also use these scripts for creating templates that we may use in multi-scaling creations (like databases in a group designed for horizontal scale). Generally, in one-off situations, the Azure Portal will suffice for deployments if there is a cost to develop automation that is not required. In this tip, we’ll look at the process of creating a blank and removing the same Azure Cosmos DB.

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Timothy Smith
By querying Azure cost information, we can share with development and improve to reduce costs

Extract Azure Costs Using PowerShell

May 20, 2019 by

With strong organization and design for our development teams, cloud infrastructure and security considerations, we’ll now extract Azure cost information that we can share with our organization. In addition, we will see that we can retain this information if needed to track growth (or reduction) in costs. This step is important as it will allow our teams to have an insight into their development and it will also be another audit we can use on the security side to catch unusual growth (or significant reductions) in resource costs that may be the result of an attacker. Our ultimate goal with tracking these costs and sharing them with teams is to improve our development and possibly re-organize it as needed, giving us the ability to further reduce our spending.

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Rajendra Gupta
SQL CASE statement


May 9, 2019 by

We use the SQL CHARINDEX function to find the position of a substring or expression in a given string. We might have a character in different positions of a string. SQL CHARINDEX returns the first position and ignores the rest of matching character positions in a string.

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Rajendra Gupta
SQL Server feature selection for Python SQL

Data Sampling with Python SQL Scripts

May 9, 2019 by


The Python programming language is object oriented, easy to use and, widely used programming language. We can write simple Python SQL Scripts and it performs the task that is not easy to do with t-SQL.

Ed Pollack

Methods to Insert Data into SQL Server

April 10, 2019 by


There are a variety of ways of managing data to insert into SQL Server. How we generate and insert data into tables can have a profound impact on performance and maintainability! This topic is often overlooked as a beginner’s consideration, but mistakes in how we grow objects can create massive headaches for future developers and administrators.

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