
Daniel Calbimonte
Exploring a SQL log with a SQL Server logs reading tool

Go LSN in SQL Server

November 25, 2021 by


If you are reading this article is because you read about the SQL Server transaction log and you want to go to the LSN to restore information. This article will explain what is the LSN and show some tables, views, and system functions used to retrieve LSN information. We will also learn how to restore information using the Transaction Log information. We will also find out if there is a Go LSN command. So, if you want to learn more about the transaction log and want to recover some information using the logs, you are in the right place.

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Manvendra Singh
sysprocesses details for BACKUP DATABASE statement after encryption

Performance impact analysis of enabling Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) on SQL Server

October 14, 2021 by

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) encrypts database files to secure your data. It also encrypts the tempdb database to secure your data in a temporary space. The process of encryption and decryption adds additional overhead to the database system. Even non-encrypted databases hosted on the same SQL Server instance would have some performance degradation because of tempdb encryption. Today I will show you performance impact analysis using few simple T-SQL statements by comparing their stats gathered before and after enabling TDE.

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Manvendra Singh
Check encryption state after TDE SCAN

Understanding the TDE SCAN process in Transparent Data Encryption

September 30, 2021 by

Transparent Data Encryption is a SQL Server feature that is used to protect data stored in SQL Server databases. The process to enable TDE on any user database is a straightforward method. Once we enable TDE on any user database, SQL Server performs a scan for each data page into the buffer pool and then writes the encrypted pages back to disk. The process of scanning each data page is known as TDE scan. Any database is fully encrypted once the TDE scan will be completed for all data pages of the database.

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Manvendra Singh
Check Transparent Data Encryption state after removing TDE

Remove Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) from SQL Server user databases

September 24, 2021 by

Transparent Data Encryption is getting popular these days because every business owner is serious about protecting their data. Everybody wants to use the latest encryption technologies to make sure their systems are more secure and stable. SQL Server also offers some encryption features to protect client’s data like TDE (Transparent Data Encryption), Always Encrypt, etc. Sometimes, business wants to transform their existing encryption solution by implementing its advance versions or encryptions. You must remove the existing encryption solution before implementing any newer solution.

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Manvendra Singh
Check transparent data encryption state of tempdb and user database after enabling it

Impact of TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) on Tempdb databases

September 15, 2021 by

This article will explain the impact of TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) on one of the crucial system databases, tempdb. Everybody wants to secure their data to prevent unauthorized access and use. SQL Server is a very popular enterprise RDBMS system that is used to store client’s data inside their databases. It also offers multiple features to secure the data stored in the databases. TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) is one of those features which is used to secure SQL Server databases by encrypting their database files. TDE protects data by applying encryption using a certificate which is also protected by the master key.

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Manvendra Singh
Check Instant File Initialization using error log file

Understanding Instant File Initialization after enabling TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) on SQL Server databases

August 19, 2021 by

SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) enables encryption on database files to secure its databases. Enabling TDE might have some adverse effects on your database system or on some database features. We must understand our database environment and plan accordingly before opting and deploying any new feature to production systems.

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