BI performance counter: Disk Write Bytes/sec

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to Operating System Description Displays the total size in bytes of write operations on the volume. This counter can be used to form a baseline of storage usage. There is no rule of thumb for this counter as acceptable throughput is determined by workload and the level of storage available. If storage is utilized […]

BI performance counter: Total network round trips

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description Analysis Services can consume considerable amount of network resources during dimension and cube processing. This performance counter measures the total number of network round trips, including all communication between client applications and Analysis Services server. Increased network latency can create bottlenecks that results in longer processing times. Resolved by DBAs, Server […]

BI performance counter: Total queries answered

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter relates to the measurement of Analysis Services storage engine queries. It monitors the total number of queries that were run against Analysis Services since the service was restarted. The counter includes queries answered directly from the memory cache as well as from files. If this number does not […]

BI performance counter: Total queries from cache direct

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter relates to the measurement of Analysis Services storage engine queries. It measures the total number of queries derived directly from a memory cache since Analysis Services service was restarted. This is measured per partition. Resolved by DBAs, Server administrators, BI developers Suggested solutions Optimize the data types of […]

BI performance counter: Total Requests – Web service

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSRS Description This counter is similar to Total Reports Executed performance counter except that it monitors all requests regardless of whether they were successful or not since the service restart. The value of this performance counter is reset whenever Report Server Web Service is stopped by ASP.NET. Resolved by DBAs, Server administrators, System […]

BI performance counter: Total Requests – Windows service

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSRS Description This counter works similar to Total Reports Executed except that it monitors all requests regardless of whether they were successful or not since the Windows Service was restarted. It is reset upon the restart of the Windows Service. Resolved by DBAs, Server administrators, System administrators, Web administrators, Report developers Suggested solutions […]

BI performance counter: Total rows converted

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter relates to the measurement of Analysis Services processing of data and it monitors the total number of rows that were converted from a relational source into a multidimensional format during data processing. The value of this counter can be used to evaluate whether the amount of time taken […]

BI performance counter: BLOB bytes written

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSIS Description This performance counter monitors the total number of bytes within the data flow engine that are written out as binary large object (BLOB) into all target data sources. This is usually represented as a high bytes value which is reset back to zero bytes whenever the Integration Service server is restarted. […]

BI performance counter: Bytes Sent Total

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSRS Description This performance counter indicates as to how much bytes have been sent by the Report Server back to the client application. The value of this counter only gets changed when the HTTP requests have been completed. The value of this performance counter is measured in bytes and is usually high. The […]

BI performance counter: BLOB bytes read

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSIS Description Some of the biggest transactions in SSIS takes place in the data flow tasks involving the data flow engine. This performance counter monitors the total number of bytes of binary large object (BLOB) data the data flow engine has read from all data sources. The BLOB data not only refer to […]

BI performance counter: Requests Total

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSRS Description This is a cumulative number of all the requests that were sent to Report Manager and received by Report Server ever since the Report Server was restarted. It is represented as a numeric value that is reset every time the Report Server is restarted. Resolved by DBAs, Server administrators, System administrators, […]

BI performance counter: Rows read

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSIS Description The data flow engine is largely about the transfer of rows from source to destination. This performance counter keeps track of total number of input rows that have been read from source adapters excluding reference sources such as the Lookup transformation. Because this counter tracks all rows read since the restart […]

BI performance counter: Total evictions

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description When Analysis Services memory utilization crosses the configured Low-limit, a process known as the “cleaner” is woken up and starts “evicting” older/lesser used objects out of memory on a periodic basis to make room for new objects. This performance counter measures the total amount of memory freed from cache since start […]

BI performance counter: Total inserts

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter relates to statistics related to the Analysis Services aggregation cache and it measures the total number of insertions into the cache per partition per cube per Analysis Services database. The value of this counter is usually high and is reset whenever the Analysis Services is restarted. Resolved by […]

BI performance counter: Total lookups

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter measures the total number of aggregation lookups into the memory cache. A high value for this performance counter indicates that most of your queries are using a shared reference set which could be an indication that most of your queries are optimal. The value of this counter is […]

BI performance counter: Total misses

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter measures the number of times that queries unsuccessfully attempted to retrieve data from the memory cache. Expect the value of this counter to increase shortly after cube processing or Analysis Services service restart. If this number continues to grow than it may indicate insufficient memory or that queries […]

BI performance counter: Current KB

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter measures the current in-memory size (in kilobytes) used by the aggregation cache of the Analysis Services engine. The value of this counter is reset whenever the service is restarted. Resolved by DBAs, Server administrators, BI developers Suggested solutions Add more physical memory to the computer Partition large cubes […]

BI performance counter: Private buffers in use

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSIS Description This performance counter monitors the total number of physical and virtual memory currently being used by data flow engine’s transformation tasks. The value for this counter is measured in bytes which can be high or low depending on the amount of transformation required in the given data flow engine. Resolved by […]

An introduction to a SQL Server 2017 graph database

December 4, 2017 by

The graph database is a critically important new technology for data professionals. As a database technologist always keen to know and understand the latest innovations happening around the cutting edge or next-generation technologies, and after working with traditional relational database systems and NoSQL databases, I feel that the graph database has a significant role to […]

What’s new in SQL Server Management Studio 17.3; Import Flat File wizard and XEvent Profiler

November 1, 2017 by

SQL Server Management Studio is an integrated graphical user interface tool that is used to perform wide range of administration and development tasks on the SQL Server instances, hosted locally on the user machine, remotely on a Windows or Linux server or on SQL Azure or Azure Data warehouse instances hosted in the cloud. You […]

Introduction and FAQs about Microsoft Azure technologies

October 13, 2017 by

Most of the DBAs, Data Scientists, BI and Database developers are working on SQL Server on-premises. Is it time to migrate to the Cloud? In this new article, we will talk about numbers, statistics, Azure technologies like Virtual Machines with SQL Server, Azure SQL, Azure Data Factory, Azure Machine learning and other technologies.