SQL commands

Shawn Melton

Connecting PowerShell to SQL Server

January 13, 2016 by


PowerShell (aka Posh or just PS) is becoming more and more of a tool for operational support and some deployment scenarios. If you need to pull or place data into SQL Server, PS can be a handy way of doing it in both one-off and automated work.

There are a number of ways to connect to SQL Server via PS. In this article I wanted to go over the options that are available to you. If you have used PS for any number of months or years, you know there tends to be multiple ways of performing a task. So it goes without saying if you are building out scripts to use in production to test, test, and test…then test it one more time.

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Daniel Calbimonte

Bcp and linked servers to Azure

July 13, 2015 by


Sometimes, we need to use the command line to copy tables using the command line. In this new chapter, we will use the BCP command to copy tables from a local machine to the SQL Server in Azure. The BCP is a very fast bulk copy tools used for this purpose.

We will also learn how to create a Linked Server in our local machine to Azure. The Linked Servers are very powerful features of SQL Server to connect SQL Server to different Data Sources like Excel, MS Access, Oracle, MySQL, and several databases. In this example, we will connect to SQL Azure.

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Daniel Calbimonte

How to work migrate backups, files and scripts to/from the cloud using the command line

May 26, 2015 by


Sometimes we need to move our local files, SQL scripts, backups from our local machine to Azure or vice versa. This can be done manually by accessing to Azure and using a browser, but there are other methods to automatically do this. This article describes the Microsoft Azure Storage Tool. This is a command line tool used to upload data to Azure from a local machine or to download data from Azure to our local machine. The article will describe step by step how to work with this tool.

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Daniel Calbimonte

How to work with the command line and Azure to automate tasks

April 20, 2015 by


The sqlcmd is a very powerful tool to run SQL Server scripts, T-SQL commands. It is also very useful in disaster recovery situations like restoring the master database.

The sqlcmd can also be used in the Cloud, specifically with SQL Server Azure. In this new article, we will describe how to connect from a local machine to an Azure Virtual Machine (VM) with SQL Server Installed using sqlcmd.

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Evan Barke

SQL Server Commands – Dynamic SQL

July 4, 2014 by
Warning: This article contains examples of SQL injection. The example queries can be harmful to data and are run on the AdventureWorks2012 database DO NOT run equivalents on your production database. Backup your AdventureWorks2012 database if you don’t want to lose data. Please note that the techniques are purely for education purposes and we do not condone the use of them for any other purpose. Read more »