BI performance counter: Current latch waits

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter measures current number of threads waiting for a latch due to internal server locks. These are latch requests that could not be given immediate grants and are in a wait state. The value of this counter is reset whenever the service is restarted. Resolved by DBAs, Server administrators, […]

BI performance counter: Current locks

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter measures current total number of locked objects. Using ProcessUpdate option generates a lock on all partitions used by the cubes that include the dimension you are processing. The more partitions the cubes have, the more memory pressure they will generate during processing. Consider using a Dynamic Management View […]

BI performance counter: Current models processing

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter monitors the total number of Analysis Services Data Mining models currently being processed. For systems where the default agent action account is not an administrator, you must configure the “SQL Server Monitoring Account” RunAs profile accordingly to ensure this performance data is collected. Resolved by DBAs, Network administrators […]

BI performance counter: Current number of cached evaluation nodes

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter relates to the measurement of Analysis Services MDX calculations. It monitors the current number of total cached evaluation nodes built by MDX execution plans. Evaluation nodes are logical query plans generated by the Analysis Services Formula Engine to process query requests. Evaluation nodes can be created but not […]

BI performance counter: Dimension Property Files

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description The characteristics or properties of an Analysis Services dimension are defined by the metadata for that dimension, based on the settings of various dimension properties, and on the attributes or hierarchies that are contained by the dimension. This performance counter relates to the measurement of Analysis Services internal server memory and […]

BI performance counter: Disk Read Bytes/sec

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to Operating System Description Displays the total size in bytes of read operations on the volume. This counter can be used to form a baseline of storage usage. There is no rule of thumb for this counter as acceptable throughput is determined by workload and the level of storage available. If storage is utilized […]

BI performance counter: Disk Write Bytes/sec

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to Operating System Description Displays the total size in bytes of write operations on the volume. This counter can be used to form a baseline of storage usage. There is no rule of thumb for this counter as acceptable throughput is determined by workload and the level of storage available. If storage is utilized […]

BI performance counter: Flat buffer memory

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSIS Description Flat buffers refer to special chunk of memory that is usually used by the data flow transformation components such as the Aggregate transform. This performance counter monitors the total number of these chunks of memory used by the Integration Services. The value of this performance counter is measured in bytes and […]

BI performance counter: Flat buffers in use

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSIS Description This counter monitors the total number of chunks of memory currently being used by the data flow engine. The value of this performance counter is measured in bytes and fluctuates during package execution. The value is reset whenever the service is restarted. Resolved by DBAs, Server administrators, ETL developers Suggested solutions […]

BI performance counter: Long parsing job queue length

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description Analysis Services uses multi-threading for many operations, improving overall server performance by running multiple jobs in parallel. A long parsing thread is a parsing pool for all requests that do not fit within a single network message. This performance counter measures the total number of jobs in the queue of the […]

BI performance counter: Memory Limit Hard KB

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description Analysis Services uses memory limit settings to determine how it allocates and manages its internal memory. This performance counter measures, in kilobytes (KB), the hard memory limit from the SSAS msmdsrv.ini configuration file. Memory cleaner threads monitors this metric or file setting to determine the rate at which it will begin […]

BI performance counter: Memory Pressure State

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSRS Description SSRS response to request from client application can be affected by the available memory in the server. This performance counter gives you an indication of current memory state. Current memory state value can be in a range of 1 to 5, whereby 1: no memory pressure; 2: low memory pressure; 3: […]

BI performance counter: Memory size bytes

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter relates to the measurement of Analysis Services processing of aggregations in MOLAP data files and it monitors the total memory size, in bytes, of the current aggregations. Resolved by DBAs, Server administrators, BI developers Suggested solutions Consider changing the value of “LimitSystemFileCacheSizeMB” property according to your RAM requirements […]

BI performance counter: Memory size rows

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter relates to the measurement of Analysis Services processing of aggregations in MOLAP data files and it monitors the current row size of current aggregations in memory. Resolved by DBAs, Server administrators Suggested solutions Avoid doing unnecessary aggregations Reduce the number of attributes in the dimensions Increase the size […]

BI performance counter: Memory Usage KB

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter relates to the measurement of Analysis Services internal server memory. It monitors, in kilobytes, the total virtual memory usage for the server process. The total virtual memory is calculated by adding up page files and physical memory. The value of this metric should be similar to what you […]

BI performance counter: Processing pool IO job queue length

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description A processing pool is a type of an Analysis Services worker thread pool used to process an incoming query request. Threads from the processing pool are used for activity that takes place in the storage engine including dimension scans, partition scans, and aggregation scans. This performance counter measures the total number […]

BI performance counter: Total Memory Cache Hits – Windows service

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSRS Description When a request for a report is received from the client, Report Server can either render the report using data from SQL Server, or retrieve the same copy of the report from a cache. This counter monitors all reports that were retrieved directly from CPU in-memory without querying SQL Server’s report […]

BI performance counter: Total network round trips

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description Analysis Services can consume considerable amount of network resources during dimension and cube processing. This performance counter measures the total number of network round trips, including all communication between client applications and Analysis Services server. Increased network latency can create bottlenecks that results in longer processing times. Resolved by DBAs, Server […]

BI performance counter: Total NON EMPTY for calculated members

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter relates to the measurement of Analysis Services MDX calculations. NON EMPTY keyword can be used in MDX expression to exclude empty cells from a resultset. This performance counter monitors the total number of times a NON EMPTY keyword looped over calculated members. Calculated members are members of a […]

BI performance counter: Total NON EMPTY

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter relates to the measurement of Analysis Services MDX calculations. NON EMPTY keyword can be used in MDX expression to exclude empty cells from a result set. This performance counter monitors the total number of times a NON EMPTY keyword was used. The NON EMPTY keyword can only be […]

BI performance counter: Total partitions – Indexes

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description ProcessIndexes relates to dimension, cube, measure group, and partition. In partitions, ProcessIndexes builds the aggregation data and bitmap indexes. This performance counter relates to the measurement of Analysis Services processing of indexes for MOLAP data files and it monitors the total amount of partitions processed. The total amount of partitions processed […]

BI performance counter: Total Predictions

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description Predictive data mining is the most common type of data mining. This performance counter monitors the total number of data mining prediction queries received by the server. The value of this counter is reset whenever the service is restarted. Resolved by DBAs, Network administrators Suggested solutions You can automate predictions by […]

BI performance counter: Total Processing Failures – Web service

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSRS Description Total Processing Failures performance counter monitors relates to a cumulative number of errors at runtime such missing dataset or invalid parameters provided that have been encountered since the restart of the service. The cumulative number is reset back to zero whenever the service is restarted. Resolved by DBAs, Server administrators, System […]

BI performance counter: Total Processing Failures – Windows service

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSRS Description Features such as report subscription, delivery and snapshots rely on the availability of a Windows Service in order to function. This counter keeps track of all processing failures of such features. It’s a cumulative number of all errors encountered since the restart of the Windows Service. Resolved by DBAs, Server administrators, […]

BI performance counter: Total queries answered

December 25, 2017 by

Applies to SSAS Description This performance counter relates to the measurement of Analysis Services storage engine queries. It monitors the total number of queries that were run against Analysis Services since the service was restarted. The counter includes queries answered directly from the memory cache as well as from files. If this number does not […]